Wednesday, November 7, 2012

The Everlasting Empire

The Everlasting Empire

The only empire that will not fall is the Kingdom of God, which abides forever. Certainly, as I pointed out in the last Examiner, America committed suicide, as we replaced the Lord God of the Mayflower Compact with the god of "We the people." "We the people" are the ones who spoke "We the people" would rather be in bondage to Egypt than serve the Lord God in freedom. I will have an article in the next Examiner. To be on mailing,

A point I have in that article is that the WASP (White Anglo-Saxon Protestant) influence that founded this nation is dead. I first became acquainted with the John Burch Society when I got out of the military in 1965 by going with a girl to some of the meetings. It was common knowledge then that every effort was being made by the “powers that be” to naturalize the WASP influence. Over the years since, we have observed many things done to naturalize that influence, such as:

Open boarders to Mexico (The 66% of the Spanish vote carried the day for Obama). Open immigration for any number of various peoples, as long as they are not Christian. Christian young people sent by Christian parents to state institutions and "Christian" colleges to be "reformatted" into paganized, secular "Christians. These students were promised peace and prosperity without God, and now they promise the same to all who will listen to them. They willingly absorbed the lies.
Romans 1:16, salvation is not to be found in big government, nor in anything man can imagine. The Gospel alone provides Salvation.

Biblical Salvation must be defined in its Biblical meaning — that is, deliverance, preservation, victory and health, and it refers to material and temporal deliverance, as well as personal, national, temporal and eternal triumph. Salvation is not escapism from the trials and temptations of this present life. It is victory through Christ in the midst of everything that is going on around us in this evil world. Salvation is victory over the world, the flesh and the devil. 1 John 2:14-19, 3:8, Hebrews 2:14, 2 Timothy 2:26. Thus, salvation involves much more than assured eternal life. It is very much how to live for Christ here in this life. It is how to be salt and light in a dark, evil world. It is letting our light shine, so that others will see our good works and glorify our Father which is in heaven. Matthew 5:13-16.

Notice the many things in the above statement that people expect from the state:

“deliverance, preservation, victory and health, and it refers to material and temporal deliverance, as well as personal, national, temporal and eternal triumph.”

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